Semantic Conventions for Connect RPC

Status: Experimental

The Semantic Conventions for Connect extend and override the RPC spans and RPC metrics Semantic Conventions that describe common RPC operations attributes in addition to the Semantic Conventions described on this page.

Connect RPC Attributes

rpc.system MUST be set to "connect_rpc".

Below is a table of attributes that SHOULD be included on client and server Connect RPC measurements.

Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level
rpc.connect_rpc.error_code string The error codes of the Connect request. Error codes are always string values. cancelled Conditionally Required: [1]
rpc.connect_rpc.request.metadata.<key> string[] Connect request metadata, <key> being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase, with - characters replaced by _), the value being the metadata values. [2] rpc.request.metadata.my_custom_metadata_attribute=["", ""] Opt-In
rpc.connect_rpc.response.metadata.<key> string[] Connect response metadata, <key> being the normalized Connect Metadata key (lowercase, with - characters replaced by _), the value being the metadata values. [3] rpc.response.metadata.my_custom_metadata_attribute=["attribute_value"] Opt-In

[1]: If response is not successful and if error code available.

[2]: Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all request metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.

[3]: Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which metadata values are to be captured. Including all response metadata values can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.

rpc.connect_rpc.error_code MUST be one of the following:

Value Description
cancelled cancelled
unknown unknown
invalid_argument invalid_argument
deadline_exceeded deadline_exceeded
not_found not_found
already_exists already_exists
permission_denied permission_denied
resource_exhausted resource_exhausted
failed_precondition failed_precondition
aborted aborted
out_of_range out_of_range
unimplemented unimplemented
internal internal
unavailable unavailable
data_loss data_loss
unauthenticated unauthenticated

Connect RPC Status

If rpc.connect_rpc.error_code is set, Span Status MUST be set to Error and left unset in all other cases.