Semantic Conventions for Hardware Metrics

Status: Experimental

This document describes instruments and attributes for common hardware level metrics in OpenTelemetry. Consider the general metric semantic conventions when creating instruments not explicitly defined in the specification.

Common hardware attributes

All metrics in hw. instruments should be attached to a Host Resource and therefore inherit its attributes, like and

Additionally, all metrics in hw. instruments have the following attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example Requirement Level
id An identifier for the hardware component, unique within the monitored host win32battery_battery_testsysa33_1 Required
name An easily-recognizable name for the hardware component eth0 Recommended
parent Unique identifier of the parent component (typically the id attribute of the enclosure, or disk controller) dellStorage_perc_0 Recommended

Metric Instruments

hw. - Common hardware metrics

The below metrics apply to any type of hardware component.

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key(s) Attribute Values Energy consumed by the component, in joules J Counter Int64
hw.errors Number of errors encountered by the component {error} Counter Int64 hw.error.type (Recommended)
hw.power Instantaneous power consumed by the component, in Watts ( is preferred) W Gauge Double
hw.status Operational status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed

These common hw. metrics must include the below attributes to describe the monitored component:

Attribute Key Description Example Requirement Level
hw.type Type of the component battery, cpu, disk_controller, enclosure, fan, gpu, logical_disk, memory, network, physical_disk, power_supply, tape_drive, temperature, voltage Required


hw.status is currently specified as an UpDownCounter but would ideally be represented using a StateSet as defined in OpenMetrics. This semantic convention will be updated once StateSet is specified in OpenTelemetry. This planned change is not expected to have any consequence on the way users query their timeseries backend to retrieve the values of hw.status over time. - Physical host metrics

Description: Physical system as opposed to a virtual system or a container. Examples: physical server, switch or disk array.

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key(s) Attribute Values Ambient (external) temperature of the physical host Cel Gauge Double Total energy consumed by the entire physical host, in joules J Counter Int64 By how many degrees Celsius the temperature of the physical host can be increased, before reaching a warning threshold on one of the internal sensors Cel Gauge Double Instantaneous power consumed by the entire physical host in Watts ( is preferred) W Gauge Double

Note The overall energy usage of a host MUST be reported using the specific and metrics only, instead of the generic and hw.power described in the previous section, to prevent summing up overlapping values.

hw.battery. - Battery metrics

Description: A battery in a computer system or an UPS.

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key(s) Attribute Values
hw.battery.charge Remaining fraction of battery charge 1 Gauge Double
hw.battery.charge.limit Lower limit of battery charge fraction to ensure proper operation 1 Gauge Double limit_type (Recommended) critical, throttled, degraded
hw.battery.time_left Time left before battery is completely charged or discharged s Gauge Int state (Conditionally Required, if the battery is charging or discharging) charging, discharging
hw.status Operational status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed, charging, discharging
hw.type battery

All hw.battery. metrics may include the below Recommended attributes to describe the characteristics of the monitored battery:

Attribute Key Description Example
chemistry Chemistry of the battery Nickel-Cadmium, Lithium-ion
capacity Design capacity in Watts-hours or Amper-hours 9.3Ah
model Descriptive model name
vendor Vendor name

hw.cpu. - Physical processor metrics

Description: Physical processor (as opposed to the logical processor seen by the operating system for multi-core systems). A physical processor may include many individual cores.

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values
hw.errors Total number of errors encountered and corrected by the CPU {error} Counter Int64 hw.type (Required) cpu
hw.cpu.speed CPU current frequency Hz Gauge Int64
hw.cpu.speed.limit CPU maximum frequency Hz Gauge Int64 limit_type (Recommended) throttled, max, turbo
hw.status Operational status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed, predicted_failure
hw.type (Required) cpu

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
model Descriptive model name
vendor Vendor name

hw.disk_controller. - Disk controller metrics

Description: Controller that controls the physical disks and organize them in RAID sets and logical disks that are exposed to the operating system.

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values
hw.status Operational status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed
hw.type (Required) disk_controller

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
bios_version BIOS version
driver_version Driver for the controller
firmware_version Firmware version
model Descriptive model name
serial_number Serial number
vendor Vendor name

hw.enclosure. - Enclosure metrics

Description: Computer chassis (can be an expansion enclosure)

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values
hw.status Operational status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed, open
hw.type (Required) enclosure

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
bios_version BIOS version
model Descriptive model name
serial_number Serial number
type Type of the enclosure (useful for modular systems) Computer, Storage, Switch
vendor Vendor name - Fan metrics

Description: Fan that keeps the air flowing to maintain the internal temperature of a computer

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values Fan speed in revolutions per minute rpm Gauge Int Speed limit in rpm rpm Gauge Int limit_type (Recommended) low.critical, low.degraded, max Fan speed expressed as a fraction of its maximum speed 1 Gauge Double
hw.status Operational status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed
hw.type (Required) fan

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
sensor_location Location of the fan in the computer enclosure cpu0, ps1, INLET

hw.gpu. - GPU metrics

Description: Graphics Processing Unit (discrete)

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values
hw.errors Number of errors encountered by the GPU {error} Counter Int64 hw.error.type (Recommended) corrected, uncorrected
hw.type (Required) gpu Received and transmitted bytes by the GPU By Counter Int64 direction (Required) receive, transmit
hw.gpu.memory.limit Size of the GPU memory By UpDownCounter Int64
hw.gpu.memory.utilization Fraction of GPU memory used 1 Gauge Double
hw.gpu.memory.usage GPU memory used By UpDownCounter Int64
hw.gpu.power GPU instantaneous power consumption in Watts W Gauge Double
hw.gpu.utilization Fraction of time spent in a specific task 1 Gauge Double task (Recommended) decoder, encoder, general
hw.status Operational status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed, predicted_failure
hw.type (Required) gpu

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
driver_version Driver for the controller
firmware_version Firmware version
model Descriptive model name
serial_number Serial number
vendor Vendor name

hw.logical_disk.- Logical disk metrics

Description: Storage extent presented as a physical disk by a disk controller to the operating system (e.g. a RAID 1 set made of 2 disks, and exposed as /dev/hdd0 by the controller).

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values
hw.errors Number of errors encountered on this logical disk {error} Counter Int64 hw.type (Required) logical_disk
hw.logical_disk.limit Size of the logical disk By UpDownCounter Int64
hw.logical_disk.usage Logical disk space usage By UpDownCounter Int64 state (Required) used, free
hw.logical_disk.utilization Logical disk space utilization as a fraction 1 Gauge Double state (Required) used, free
hw.status Operational status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed
hw.type (Required) logical_disk

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
raid_level RAID Level RAID0+1

hw.memory. - Memory module metrics

Description: A memory module in a computer system.

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values
hw.errors Number of errors encountered on this memory module {error} Counter Int64 hw.type (Required) memory
hw.memory.size Size of the memory module By UpDownCounter Int64
hw.status Operational status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed, predicted_failure
hw.type (Required) memory

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
model Descriptive model name
serial_number Serial number
type Type of the memory module DDR5
vendor Vendor name - Network adapter metrics

Description: A physical network interface, or a network interface controller (NIC), excluding software-based virtual adapters and loopbacks. For example, a physical network interface on a server, switch, router or firewall, an HBA, a fiber channel port or a Wi-Fi adapter.

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values
hw.errors Number of errors encountered by the network adapter {error} Counter Int64 hw.error.type (Recommended) zero_buffer_credit, crc, etc.
hw.type (Required) network
direction (Recommended) receive, transmit Link speed By/s UpDownCounter Int64 Utilization of the network bandwidth as a fraction 1 Gauge Double Received and transmitted network traffic in bytes By Counter Int64 direction (Required) receive, transmit Received and transmitted network traffic in packets (or frames) {packet} Counter Int64 direction (Required) receive, transmit Link status: 1 (up) or 0 (down) UpDownCounter Int
hw.status Operational status, regardless of the link status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed
hw.type (Required) network

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
model Descriptive model name
logical_addresses Logical addresses of the adapter (e.g. IP address, or WWPN),
physical_address Physical address of the adapter (e.g. MAC address, or WWNN) 00-90-F5-E9-7B-36
serial_number Serial number
vendor Vendor name

hw.physical_disk.- Physical disk metrics

Description: Physical hard drive (HDD or SDD)

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values
hw.errors Number of errors encountered on this disk {error} Counter Int64 hw.error.type (Recommended) bad_sector, write, etc.
hw.type (Required) physical_disk
hw.physical_disk.endurance_utilization Endurance remaining for this SSD disk 1 Gauge Double state (Required) remaining
hw.physical_disk.size Size of the disk By UpDownCounter Int64 Value of the corresponding S.M.A.R.T. attribute 1 Gauge Int smart_attribute (Recommended) Seek Error Rate, Spin Retry Count, etc.
hw.status Operational status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed, predicted_failure
hw.type (Required) physical_disk

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
firmware_version Firmware version
model Descriptive model name
serial_number Serial number
type Type of the disk HDD, SSD, 10K
vendor Vendor name

hw.power_supply. - Power supply metrics

Description: Power supply converting AC current to DC used by the motherboard and the GPUs

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values
hw.power_supply.limit Maximum power output of the power supply W UpDownCounter Int64 limit_type (Recommended) max, critical, throttled
hw.power_supply.utilization Utilization of the power supply as a fraction of its maximum output 1 Gauge Double
hw.status Operational status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed
hw.type (Required) power_supply

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
model Descriptive model name
serial_number Serial number
vendor Vendor name

hw.tape_drive. - Tape drive metrics

Description: A tape drive in a computer or in a tape library (excluding virtual tape libraries)

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values
hw.errors Number of errors encountered by the tape drive {error} Counter Int64 hw.error.type read, write, mount, etc.
hw.type (Required) tape_drive
hw.tape_drive.operations Operations performed by the tape drive {operation} Counter Int64 type (Recommended) mount, unmount, clean
hw.status Operational status: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed, needs_cleaning
hw.type (Required) tape_drive

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
model Descriptive model name
serial_number Serial number
vendor Vendor name

hw.temperature. - Temperature sensor metrics

Description: A temperature sensor, either numeric or discrete

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values
hw.temperature Temperature in degrees Celsius Cel Gauge Double
hw.temperature.limit Temperature limit in degrees Celsius Cel Gauge Double limit_type (Recommended) low.critical, low.degraded, high.degraded, high.critical
hw.status Whether the temperature is within normal range: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed
hw.type (Required) temperature

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
sensor_location Location of the sensor CPU0_DIE

hw.voltage. - Voltage sensor metrics

Description: A voltage sensor, either numeric or discrete

Name Description Units Instrument Type (*) Value Type Attribute Key Attribute Values
hw.voltage.limit Voltage limit in Volts V Gauge Double limit_type (Recommended) low.critical, low.degraded, high.degraded, high.critical
hw.voltage.nominal Nominal (expected) voltage V Gauge Double
hw.voltage Voltage measured by the sensor V Gauge Double
hw.status Whether the voltage is within normal range: 1 (true) or 0 (false) for each of the possible states UpDownCounter Int state (Required) ok, degraded, failed
hw.type (Required) voltage

Additional Recommended attributes:

Attribute Key Description Example
sensor_location Location of the sensor PS0 V3_3