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A CLI tool that generates OpenTelemetry Collector binaries based on a manifest.collector core
The Alibaba Cloud Log Service Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
Exports traces and/or metrics via HTTP to an APIClarity endpoint for analysis.collector exporter
The AWS X-Ray Tracing Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
AWS CloudWatch Logs Exporter sends logs data to AWS CloudWatch Logscollector exporter
The AWS CloudWatch EMF Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
This exporter targets to support proto/JSON and proto/binary formatcollector exporter
The Azure Monitor Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
This exporter sends metrics, logs and trace data to Azure Data Explorercollector exporter
This exporter supports sending OpenTelemetry logs and traces to Cassandracollector exporter
This exporter supports sending OpenTelemetry logs and spans to ClickHousecollector exporter
The Coralogix Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
The Dynatrace Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
This exporter supports sending OpenTelemetry logs to Elasticsearchcollector exporter
The Google Cloud Operations Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
This exporter sends OTLP messages to a Google Cloud Pubsub topic.collector exporter
This exporter can be used to send metrics and traces to Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus.collector exporter
This exporter allows creating markers, via the Honeycomb Markers API, based on the look of incoming telemetry.collector exporter
This exporter supports sending tracing, metrics, and logging data to InfluxDBcollector exporter
The schema name
is an example. The user may change this to another name but the same name has to be usedcollector exporter -
The Trace ID aware load-balancing for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
This exporter supports sending logs and traces data to Logicmonitorcollector exporter
The OpenCensus Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
OpenSearch exporter supports sending OpenTelemetry signals as documents to OpenSearch.collector exporter
The OTLP gRPC Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
The OTLP HTTP Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
The Prometheus Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
The Prometheus Remote Write Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
Pulsar exporter exports logs, metrics, and traces to Pulsar. This exporter uses a synchronous producercollector exporter
This exporter supports sending OpenTelemetry logs, traces and metrics to ClickHouse using the qryn polyglot format.collector exporter
The SAPM exporter builds on the Jaeger proto and adds additional batching on top. This allowscollector exporter
The SignalFx Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
Exports data via gRPC using skywalking-data-collect-protocol format. By default, this exporter requires TLS and offers queued retry capabilities.collector exporter
The Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
The OpenTelemetry Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Exporter for Go.go exporter
The Splunk SAPM Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
The syslog exporter supports sending messages to a remote syslog server.collector exporter
The Tanzu Observability (Wavefront) Exporter for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector exporter
This exporter supports sending OpenTelemetry log data to LogService.collector exporter
This extension provides Atlassian Service Authentication Protocol (ASAP) client credentials for HTTP or gRPC based exporters.collector extension
Memory Ballast extension enables applications to configure memory ballast for the process.collector extension
This extension implements both configauth.ServerAuthenticator and configauth.ClientAuthenticator to authenticate clients and servers using Basic Authentication.collector extension
The Bearer token authenticator extension allows gRPC and HTTP-based exporters to add authentication data to outgoing calls based on a static token.collector extension
The encoding extension allows for other components to reference ingress/egress data formatscollector extension
The headers_setter extension implements ClientAuthenticator and is used to set requests headers in gRPC / HTTP exporters with values provided via extension configurations or requests metadata (context).collector extension
The Health Check Extension for the OpenTelemetry Collector enables an HTTP URL that can be probed to check the status of the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector extension
The HTTP Forwarder Extension for the OpenTelemetry Collector accepts HTTP requests, optionally adds headers to them and forwards them.collector extension
This extension allows serving sampling strategies following the Jaeger’s remote sampling API.collector extension
The OAuth2 Client Credentials authenticator extension allows gRPC and HTTP-based exporters to add authentication data to outgoing calls.collector extension
Observers are implemented as an extension to discover networked endpoints like a Kubernetes pod, Docker container, or local listening port. Currently available are observers for docker, ecs, ecs_task, host and K8s.collector extension
The OIDC authenticator extension allows gRPC and HTTP-based receivers to require authentication from remote clients.collector extension
The Performance Profiler Extension for the OpenTelemetry Collector can be used to collect performance profiles and investigate issues with the service.collector extension
This extension provides SigV4 authentication for making requests to AWS services.collector extension
The zPages Extension for the OpenTelemetry Collector serves zPages, an HTTP endpoint that provides live data for debugging different components that were properly instrumented for such.collector extension
The Attribute Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector modifies attributes of a span.collector processor
The Batch Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector accepts spans, metrics, or logs and places them into batches.collector processor
The cumulative to delta processor converts monotonic, cumulative sum and histogram metrics to monotonic, delta metrics. Non-monotonic sums and exponential histograms are excluded.collector processor
The Datadog Processor can be used to compute Datadog APM Stats pre-sampling.collector processor
The delta to rate processor converts delta sum metrics to rate metrics. This rate is a gauge.collector processor
The Filter Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector can be configured to include or exclude metrics.collector processor
The Group by Trace Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector collects all the spans from the same trace, waiting a pre-determined amount of time before releasing the trace to the next processor.collector processor
This processor re-associates spans, log records and metric data points to a Resource that matches with the specified attributes. As a result, all spans, log records or metric data points with the same values for the specified attributes are “grouped” under the same Resource.collector processor
The K8s Attribute Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector automatically discovers K8s resources (pods), extracts metadata from them and adds the extracted metadata to the relevant spans, metrics and logs.collector processor
The logs transform processor can be used to apply log operators to logs coming from any receiver. Please refer to config.go for the config spec.collector processor
The Memory Limiter Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector is used to prevent out of memory situations on the collector.collector processor
The Metrics Transform Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector can be used to rename metrics, and add, rename or delete label keys and values. It can also be used to perform aggregations on metrics across labels or label values.collector processor
The metrics generation processor can be used to create new metrics using existing metrics following a given rule. Currently it supports following two approaches for creating a new metric.collector processor
The Probabilistic Sampling Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector provides probabilistic sampling of traces.collector processor
This processor deletes span attributes that don’t match a list of allowed spancollector processor
The WebSocket processor, which can be positioned anywhere in a pipeline, allows data to pass through to the next component.collector processor
The Resource Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector can be used to apply changes on resource attributes.collector processor
The Resource Detection Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector can be used to detect resource information from the host, in a format that conforms to the OpenTelemetry resource semantic conventions, and append or override the resource value in telemetry data with this information.collector processor
The Routing Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector will read a header from the incoming HTTP request (gRPC or plain HTTP) and direct the trace information to specific exporters based on the attribute’s value.collector processor
The Schema Processor is used to convert existing telemetry data or signals to a version of the semantic convention defined as part of the configuration.collector processor
The service graphs processor is a traces processor that builds a map representing the interrelationships between various services in a system.collector processor
The Span Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector modifies either the span name or attributes of a span based on the span name.collector processor
The Span Metrics Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector aggregates Request, Error and Duration (R.E.D) metrics from span data.collector processor
The Tail Sampling Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector samples traces based on a set of defined policies.collector processor
The Transform Processor for the OpenTelemetry Collector can be used to transform any fields on traces, metrics, and logs within the collector. It utilizes a transformation language to define transformations and conditions and then applies those transformations to the specified telemetry.collector processor
The active_directory_ds receiver scrapes metric relating to an Active Directory domain controller using the Windows Performance Counters.collector receiver
The Aerospike receiver is designed to collect performance metrics from one or more Aerospike nodes.collector receiver
This receiver fetches stats from a Apache Web Server instance using the server-status?auto endpoint.collector receiver
This receiver fetches metrics for an Apache Spark cluster through the Apache Spark REST APIcollector receiver
The AWS ECS Container Metrics Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector reads task metadata and docker stats from Amazon ECS Task Metadata Endpoint, and generates resource usage metrics (such as CPU, memory, network, and disk) from them.collector receiver
The AWS X-Ray Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector accepts segments (i.e. spans) in the X-Ray Segment format. This enables the collector to receive spans emitted by the existing X-Ray SDK.collector receiver
Receives Cloudwatch events from AWS CloudWatch via the AWS SDK for Cloudwatch Logscollector receiver
Receives Cloudwatch metrics from AWS Cloudwatch via the AWS SDK for Cloudwatch Logscollector receiver
AWS Container Insights Receiver is an AWS specific receiver that supports CloudWatch Container Insights.collector receiver
Receiver for ingesting AWS Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream messages and parsing the records received based on the configured record type.collector receiver
This receiver reads logs and trace data from Azure Blob Storagecollector receiver
The Azure Event Hub receiver listens to logs emitted by Azure Event hubs.collector receiver
This receiver scrapes Azure Monitor API for resources metrics.collector receiver
This receiver fetches stats from a F5 Big-IP node using F5’s iControl REST APIcollector receiver
The Carbon Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector supports Carbon’s plaintext protocol.collector receiver
The chrony receiver is a pure go implementation of the command chronyc trackingcollector receiver
This Cloudflare receiver allows Cloudflare’s LogPush Jobs to send logs from the Cloudflare logs aggregation systemcollector receiver
The Cloud Foundry receiver connects to the RLP (Reverse Log Proxy) Gateway of the Cloud Foundry installationcollector receiver
The CollectD Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector can receive data exported by the CollectD’s write_http plugin.collector receiver
The Datadog APM Receiver accepts traces in the Datadog APM formatcollector receiver
The Docker Stats Receiver queries the local Docker daemon’s container stats API for all desired running containers on a configured interval.collector receiver
This receiver queries the Elasticsearch node stats and index statsendpoints in order to scrape metrics from a running elasticsearch cluster.collector receiver
The File Receiver reads the output of a File Exporter, converting that output to metrics, and sending the metrics down the pipeline.collector receiver
The Filelog Receiver tails and parses logs from files using the opentelemetry-log-collection library.collector receiver
The File Stats receiver collects metrics from files specified with a glob pattern.collector receiver
This receiver uses Flink’s REST API to collect Jobmanager, Taskmanager, Job, Task and Operator metrics.collector receiver
The Fluent Forward Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector receiver
A receiver for git Trace2 telemetry from local git commands, translates it into an OpenTelemetry format, and forwards it to other OpenTelemetry components.collector receiver
This receiver gets OTLP messages from a Google Cloud Pubsub subscription.collector receiver
Google Cloud Spanner enable you to investigate issues with your databasecollector receiver
The HAProxy receiver generates metrics by polling periodically the HAProxy process through a dedicated socket or HTTP URL.collector receiver
The Host Metrics Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector receiver
The HTTP Check Receiver can be used for synthetic checks against HTTP endpoints. This receiver will make a request to the specified
using thecollector receiver -
receiver grabs metrics about an IIS instance using the Windows Performance Counters.collector receiver -
The JMX Receiver will work in conjunction with the OpenTelemetry JMX Metric Gatherer to report metrics from a target MBean server using a built-in or your custom OpenTelemetry helper-utilizing Groovy script.collector receiver
The Kubernetes Cluster Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector collects cluster-level metrics from the Kubernetes API server. It uses the K8s API to listen for updates. A single instance of this receiver can be used to monitor a cluster.collector receiver
The Kubernetes Events receiver collects events from the Kubernetescollector receiver
The Kubernetes Objects receiver collects(pull/watch) objects from the Kubernetes API server.collector receiver
Kafka metrics receiver collects Kafka metrics (brokers, topics, partitions, consumer groups) from Kafka server,collector receiver
The Kubelet Stats Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector pulls pod metrics from the API server on a kubelet and sends it down the metric pipeline for further processing.collector receiver
The Memcached Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector can fetch stats from a Memcached instance using the stats command.collector receiver
This receiver fetches stats from a MongoDB instance using the [golangcollector receiver
The NGINX Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector can fetch stats from a NGINX instance using a mod_status endpoint.collector receiver
This receiver fetches metrics important to run virtual networking using NSX-T. The receiver ingests metrics via the NSX Rest APIcollector receiver
The OpenCensus Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector receiver
This receiver will read pipeline data from JSON files. The data is written incollector receiver
The Podman Stats receiver queries the Podman service API to fetch stats for all running containerscollector receiver
The Prometheus Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector receiver
The Pure Storage FlashArray receiver, receives metrics from Pure Storage internal services hosts.collector receiver
The Pure Storage FlashBlade receiver, receives metrics from Pure Storage FlashBlade via the Pure Storage FlashBlade OpenMetrics Exporter.collector receiver
This receiver fetches stats from a RabbitMQ node using the RabbitMQ Management Plugin.collector receiver
The Receiver Creator Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector can instantiate other receivers at runtime based on whether observed endpoints match a configured rule.collector receiver
The Redis Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector is designed to retrieve Redis INFO data from a single Redis instance, build metrics from that data, and send them to the next consumer at a configurable interval.collector receiver
This receiver can fetch stats from a SAP HANA instance. It leverages the driver written by SAP for connecting to SAP HANA with the golang SQL module to execute several monitoring queries.collector receiver
The SAPM Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector receive traces from other collectors or the SignalFx Smart Agent.collector receiver
The SignalFx Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector accepts metrics in the SignalFx proto format and events (Logs) in the SignalFx proto format.collector receiver
The Simple Prometheus Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector provides a simple configuration interface to configure the prometheus receiver to scrape metrics from a single target.collector receiver
This receiver fetches stats from an SNMP-enabled host using the Go SNMP client. Metrics are collected based on configuration settings.collector receiver
This receiver collects metrics from a Snowflake account by connecting to an account and running queries at set intervals.collector receiver
The Solace receiver receives trace data from a Solace PubSub+ Event Brokercollector receiver
The Splunk HEC Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector accepts metrics, traces, and logs in the Splunk HEC format.collector receiver
collector receiver
The SQL Query Receiver uses custom SQL queries to generate metrics from a database connection.collector receiver
The sqlserver receiver grabs metrics about a Microsoft SQL Server instance using the Windows Performance Counters.collector receiver
This receiver creates stats by connecting to an SSH server which may be an SFTP server.collector receiver
The StatsD Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector ingests StatsD messages.collector receiver
This receiver fetches metrics from a vCenter or ESXi host running VMware vSphere APIs.collector receiver
The Wavefront Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector.collector receiver
The Webhook Event receiver is meant to act as a generally available push based receiver for any webhook style data source.collector receiver
The Windows Performance Counters Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector captures the configured system, application, or custom performance counter data from the Windows registry using the PDH interface.collector receiver
Tails and parses logs from windows event log API using the opentelemetry-log-collection library.collector receiver
The Zookeeper Receiver for the OpenTelemetry Collector collects metrics from a Zookeeper instance, using the ‘mntr’ command.collector receiver
This library allows to export data to the OpenTelemetry Collector using the OpenTelemetry Protocol.cpp exporter
The console exporter prints data to the Console window.dotnet exporter
The Geneva Exporter exports telemetry to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) or to a Unix Domain Socket (UDS) on the local machine.dotnet exporter
The InfluxDB exporter converts OpenTelemetry metrics into the InfluxDB modeldotnet exporter
The in-memory exporter stores data in a user provided memory buffer.dotnet exporter
The Instana Exporter exports telemetry to Instana backend.dotnet exporter
The OneCollectorExporter is designed for Microsoft products to send data to public-facing end-points which route to Microsoft’s internal data pipeline.dotnet exporter
This library allows exporting telemetry data in the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) format to the OpenTelemetry Collector and OTLP-compliant backends/receivers.dotnet exporter
An OpenTelemetry Prometheus exporter for configuring an ASP.NET Core application with an endpoint for Prometheus to scrape.dotnet exporter
An OpenTelemetry Prometheus exporter that configures an HttpListener instance for Prometheus to scrape.dotnet exporter
Stackdriver Exporter for OpenTelemetry .NETdotnet exporter
This library allows exporting telemetry data in the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) format to the OpenTelemetry Collector and OTLP-compliant backends/receivers.erlang exporter
The OpenTelemetry Google Cloud Monitoring Exporter for Go.go exporter
This library allows exporting telemetry data in the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) format to the OpenTelemetry Collector and OTLP-compliant backends/receivers.go exporter
Provides a
that exports messages as OTLP logs.go exporter -
The OpenTelemetry Google Cloud Monitoring/Trace Exporters for Java.java exporter
This library allows exporting telemetry data in the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) format to the OpenTelemetry Collector and OTLP-compliant backends/receivers.java exporter
This library allows to export Prometheus data allowing Prometheus to query metric data.java exporter
The OpenTelemetry Azure Monitor Exporter for JavaScript (Node.js)js exporter
The OpenTelemetry Azure Monitor Exporter for JavaScript.js exporter
The OpenTelemetry Google Cloud Metric Exporter for Node.js.js exporter
This library allows exporting telemetry data in the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) over gRPC.php exporter
This library allows exporting telemetry data in the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) format to the OpenTelemetry Collector and OTLP-compliant backends/receivers.php exporter
The OpenTelemetry Google Cloud Monitoring Exporters for Python.python exporter
This library allows to export tracing data to Jaeger.python exporter
This library allows to export tracing data to Jaeger using Thrift.python exporter
This library allows to export traces and metrics using OpenCensus.python exporter
This library allows exporting telemetry data in the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) format to the OpenTelemetry Collector and OTLP-compliant backends/receivers.python exporter
This library allows to export data to the OpenTelemetry Collector using the OpenTelemetry Protocol using protobuf over gRPC.python exporter
This library allows to export data to the OpenTelemetry Collector using the OpenTelemetry Protocol using protobuf over HTTP.python exporter
This library allows export of tracing data to Zipkin using JSON for serialization.python exporter
This library allows export of tracing data to Zipkin using protobuf for serialization.python exporter
The opentelemetry-exporter-jaeger gem provides a Jaeger exporter for OpenTelemetry Rubyruby exporter
The opentelemetry-exporter-otlp gem provides an OTLP exporter for OpenTelemetry Ruby.ruby exporter
gem provides an OTLP exporter over gRPC for OpenTelemetry Ruby.ruby exporter -
The opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-http gem provides an OTLP over HTTP exporter for OpenTelemetry Ruby.ruby exporter
The opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin gem provides a Zipkin exporter for OpenTelemetry Ruby.ruby exporter
OpenTelemetry exporter for Azure Application Insightsrust exporter
This library allows exporting telemetry data in the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) format to the OpenTelemetry Collector and OTLP-compliant backends/receivers.rust exporter
httpd (Apache) OpenTelemetry module to add OpenTelemetry distributed tracing support to httpd.cpp instrumentation
NGINX OpenTelemetry module to add OpenTelemetry distributed tracing support to NGINX.cpp instrumentation
The OTel web server module comprises of both Apache HTTP Server and NGINX instrumentation.cpp instrumentation
This is an Instrumentation Library, which instruments ASP.NET and collect metrics and traces about incoming web requests.dotnet instrumentation
The ASP.NET Telemetry HttpModule enables distributed tracing of incoming ASP.NET requests using the OpenTelemetry API.dotnet instrumentation
This is an Instrumentation Library, which instruments ASP.NET Core and collect metrics and traces about incoming web requests.dotnet instrumentation
This package provides AWS SDK client instrumentationdotnet instrumentation
This repository contains SDK to instrument Lambda handler to create incoming span.dotnet instrumentation
Instrumentation for Azure SDK for .NET (Track 2 libraries).dotnet instrumentation
This is an Instrumentation Library, which instruments CassandraCSharpDriverdotnet instrumentation
Automatically instruments events emitted by the NEST/Elasticsearch.Net client library.dotnet instrumentation
Automatically instruments the outgoing database requests from Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.dotnet instrumentation
This is an Instrumentation Library , which republishes EventCounters using OpenTelemetry Metrics API.dotnet instrumentation
Adds OpenTelemetry instrumentation for gRPC Core-based client and server calls.dotnet instrumentation
This is an Instrumentation Library which instruments Grpc.Net.Client and collects traces about outgoing gRPC requests.dotnet instrumentation
This is an Instrumentation Library, which instruments Hangfire and collects telemetry about BackgroundJob.dotnet instrumentation
Honeycomb’s distribution of OpenTelemetry for .NETdotnet instrumentation
This is an Instrumentation Library, which instruments System.Net.Http.HttpClient and System.Net.HttpWebRequest and collects metrics and traces about outgoing HTTP requests.dotnet instrumentation
AWS SDK client instrumentation for OpenTelemetry .NETdotnet instrumentation
Automatically instruments DiagnosticSource events emitted by MassTransit library.dotnet instrumentation
This is an Instrumentation Library, which instruments MySql.Data and collects telemetry about database operations.dotnet instrumentation
This is an Instrumentation Library, which instruments OWIN/Katana and collects telemetry about incoming requests.dotnet instrumentation
This is an Instrumentation Library, which instruments .NET and collect telemetry about process behavior.dotnet instrumentation
Automatically instruments the Quartz jobs from Quartz.dotnet instrumentation
OpenTelemetry .NET contrib plugin for collecting metrics from .NET Runtimedotnet instrumentation
This is an Instrumentation Library, which instruments Microsoft.Data.SqlClient and System.Data.SqlClient and collects traces about database operations.dotnet instrumentation
This is an Instrumentation Library, which instruments StackExchange.Redis and collects traces about outgoing calls to Redis.dotnet instrumentation
Instruments WCF clients and/or services using implementations of IClientMessageInspector and IDispatchMessageInspector respectively.dotnet instrumentation
Telemetry handler that creates OpenTelemetry spans from Dataloader events.erlang instrumentation
Telemetry handler that creates OpenTelemetry spans from Ecto query events.erlang instrumentation
OpentelemetryFinch uses telemetry handlers to create OpenTelemetry spans from Finch events.erlang instrumentation
Instrumentation for Erlang gRPC client/server grpcbox.erlang instrumentation
OpentelemetryHTTPoison is an Instrumentation Library for HTTPoison.erlang instrumentation
OpentelemetryNebulex uses telemetry handlers to create OpenTelemetry spanserlang instrumentation
OpentelemetryOban uses telemetry handlers to create OpenTelemetry spans from Oban events.erlang instrumentation
Telemetry handler that creates OpenTelemetry spans from Phoenix events.erlang instrumentation
OpentelemetryRedix uses telemetry handlers to create OpenTelemetry spans from Redix command events.erlang instrumentation
See https://hex.pm/packages/opentelemetry_req for usage instructions.erlang instrumentation
Tesla middleware that creates OpenTelemetry spans and injects tracing headers into HTTP requests for Tesla clients.erlang instrumentation
Go contrib plugin for the emicklei/go-restful package.go instrumentation
Custom instrumentation for the
HTTP client library.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for gorm.io/gorm that records queries and reports DBStats metrics.go instrumentation
Go contrib plugin for the github.com/99designs/gqlgen package.go instrumentation
Instrumentation for graphql-go GraphQL Server that records GraphQL operations using OpenTelemetry Tracing API.go instrumentation
Go metric instrumentation for gRPC servers and clients based on gRPC Stats Handler interface.go instrumentation
Honeycomb’s distribution of OpenTelemetry for Gogo instrumentation
Kotel is an instrumentation plugin for the franz-go Kafka client. It provides tracing and metrics options.go instrumentation
Package otellambda instruments the github.com/aws/aws-lambda-go package.go instrumentation
Go contrib plugin for the go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver package.go instrumentation
Go contrib plugin for trace instrumentation of
handlers, HTTP transports and HTTP trace eventsgo instrumentation -
Add a OpenTelemetry wrapper to your existing database code to instrument the interactions with the database.go instrumentation
Provides OpenTelemetry tracing implementation for the pgx PostgreSQL package.go instrumentation
Instrumentation for jmoiron/sqlx that records sqlx queries and reports DBStats metrics.go instrumentation
Instrumentation for the Golang
package.go instrumentation -
Go contrib plugin for collecting metrics from Go runtime packagego instrumentation
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Splunk specific instrumentation for the Golang
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the Golang
package.go instrumentation -
Instrumentation for the
package.go instrumentation -
opentelemetry-trace-sqs propagates OpenTelemetry tracing with SQS messages for the Go language.go instrumentation
Instrumentation for SQL that records queries (including transactions and statements) and reports DBStats metrics.go instrumentation
Instrumentation for the Golang
package.go instrumentation -
This library provides a Akka Actor instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Akka Actor Fork Join instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Akka HTTP instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
undefinedjava instrumentation
This library provides a Apache HTTP Async Client instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Apache HTTP Client instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Apache DBCPjava instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Apache Dubbojava instrumentation
This library provides a Armeria instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Async HTTP Clientjava instrumentation
This library provides a AWS Lambda instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a AWS SDK instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
Instrumentation for Azure SDK for Java (Track 2 libraries).java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Azure Core Instrumentationjava instrumentation
This library provides an Apache Camel instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Cassandra instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a concurrent instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Couchbase instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides Dropwizard instrumentation.java instrumentation
This library provides a Elasticsearch instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Finatra instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Geode instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Google HTTP Client instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Grailsjava instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for GraphQL Javajava instrumentation
This library provides a Grizzly instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a gRPC instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Guava instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Hibernate instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Hikaricpjava instrumentation
Honeycomb’s distribution of OpenTelemetry for Javajava instrumentation
This library provides a HTTP URL Connection instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides http4k instrumentation to track HTTP requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Hystrix instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a HTTP instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Java Util Loggingjava instrumentation
This library provides a JAX-WS instrumentation to trace requests through OpenTelemetry. It includes support for jws as well as axis2, cxf, and metro libraries.java instrumentation
This library provides a JAXRS instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a JAXRS Client instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for JBoss Log Managerjava instrumentation
This library provides a JDBC instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Jedis instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Jetty instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Jetty HTTP Clientjava instrumentation
This library provides a JMS instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This subsystem of the OpenTelemetry Java agent provides a framework for collecting and reporting JMX metrics within the instrumented application.java instrumentation
This library provides a Jodd HTTP instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a JSP instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Kafka Clients instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Kafka Streams instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Kotlin Coroutines instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Kubernetes Client instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Lettuce instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Libertyjava instrumentation
This library provides a Log4J instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Logback instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Micrometerjava instrumentation
This library provides a Mongo instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Netty instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a okHTTP instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for OpenSearchjava instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Oracle UCPjava instrumentation
This library provides an Apache Pekko Actor instrumentation.java instrumentation
This library provides a Play instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides an Apache Pulsar instrumentationjava instrumentation
This library provides instrumentation for Quarkus RESTEasy Reactivejava instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Quartzjava instrumentation
This library provides a RabbitMQ instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Ratpack instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Reactor instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Rediscala instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Redisson instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Restletjava instrumentation
This library provides a RMI instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for RocketMQjava instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Runtime Telemetryjava instrumentation
This library provides a RXJava instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Scala Concurrent instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Servlet instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Spark Web Framework instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Spring instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Spymemcached instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Strutsjava instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Tapestryjava instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Tomcatjava instrumentation
This library provides a Twilio instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Undertowjava instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Vaadinjava instrumentation
This library provides a Vert.x instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This library provides a Vert.x Reactive instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.java instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Viburdbcpjava instrumentation
This package provides an instrumentation library for Wicketjava instrumentation
amqplib instrumentation for Node.js.js instrumentation
Angular library to deploy OpenTelemetry in Angular application.js instrumentation
Fastify OpenTelemetry API integration, using the Fastify plugin spec.js instrumentation
AWS Lambda instrumentation for Node.js.js instrumentation
Instrumentation for Azure SDK for JavaScript (Track 2 libraries).js instrumentation
This module provides an instrumentation library for the injection of trace context to cassandra-driver.js instrumentation
Instrumentation library for Cassandra driver.js instrumentation
OpenTelemetry instrumentation for the Cerbos JavaScript SDKjs instrumentation
This module provides automatic instrumentation for the
bundle.js instrumentation -
This module provides an instrumentation library for the injection of trace context to dataloaderjs instrumentation
Elasticsearch instrumentation for Node.js.js instrumentation
This module provides an instrumentation library for fs.js instrumentation
generic-pool instrumentation for Node.js.js instrumentation
Instrumentation library for net module.js instrumentation
This module provides an instrumentation library for the lru-memorizer.js instrumentation
Instrumentation library for memcached.js instrumentation
This module provides automatic instrumentation for the Nest framework.js instrumentation
Honeycomb’s distribution of OpenTelemetry for Node.jsjs instrumentation
This module provides automatic instrumentation for pillarjs/router and allows the user to automatically collect trace data and export them to their backend of choice.js instrumentation
OpenTelemetry compliant tracing instrumentation for the Prisma ORM.js instrumentation
This module provides automatic instrumentation for the
package.js instrumentation -
This module provides automatic instrumentation for the socket.io modulejs instrumentation
This module provides automatic instrumentation for the tedious module.js instrumentation
The plugin implements Tracing data collection based on OpenTelemetry native standard, and sends it to OpenTelemetry Collector through HTTP protocol.lua instrumentation
Instrumentation Library for the CodeIgniter Frameworkphp instrumentation
Instrumentation Library for PHP HTTP Async Clientphp instrumentation
Auto-instrumentation hooks are registered via composer, and spans will automatically be created for all MongoDB operations.php instrumentation
Instrumentation Library for PDOphp instrumentation
Instrumentation Library for PSR-18 HTTP clientsphp instrumentation
Auto-instrumentation hooks are registered via composer, and automatically inject trace ID and span ID into log message context of any PSR-3 logger.php instrumentation
Instrumentation Library for the Symfony Frameworkphp instrumentation
Instrumentation Library for WordPressphp instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the Aio-pika library.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing HTTP requests made by the aiohttp client library.python instrumentation
This library provides AIOPG middleware to track requests timing through OpenTelemetry.python instrumentation
Instrumentation for Anthropic LLMs (prompts logging, tokens, etc.)python instrumentation
This library provides a WSGI middleware that can be used on any ASGI framework (such as Django / Flask) to track requests timing through OpenTelemetry.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing PostgreSQL queries made by the asyncpg library.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing invocations of functions on AWS Lambda.python instrumentation
Instrumentation for Azure SDK for Python (Track 2 libraries).python instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the Boto library.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the Boto3 library to the SQS service.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the Botocore library.python instrumentation
Instrumentation for Cassandra (Cassandra-driver and scylla-driver libraries).python instrumentation
Instrumentation for Cohere LLMs (prompts logging, tokens, etc.)python instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the confluent-kafka library.python instrumentation
The trace integration with Database API for OpenTelemetry.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests for Django applications.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing elasticsearch made by the elasticsearch library.python instrumentation
This library builds on the OpenTelemetry WSGI middleware to track web requests in Falcon applications.python instrumentation
This library provides FastAPI middleware to track requests timing through OpenTelemetry.python instrumentation
This library builds on the OpenTelemetry WSGI middleware to track web requests in Flask applications.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing HTTP requests made by the HTTPX library.python instrumentation
Instrumentation library for kafka-pythonpython instrumentation
Instrumentation with MySQL that supports the mysql-connector library.python instrumentation
Instrumentation library for
package.python instrumentation -
Instrumentation for OpenAI LLMs (prompts logging, tokens, etc.)python instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the pika library.python instrumentation
This library provides tracing for PostgreSQL via psycopg2.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the Redis library.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the Remoulade library.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing HTTP requests made by the requests library.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing HTTP requests made by the scikit-learn library.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing requests made by the SQLAlchemy library.python instrumentation
This library provides automatic and manual instrumentation of Starlette web frameworks, instrumenting HTTP requests served by applications utilizing the framework.python instrumentation
Instrumentation to collect system performance metrics.python instrumentation
This library provides Tornado middleware to track requests timing through OpenTelemetry.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing queries made by tortoise ORM backends, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.python instrumentation
This library allows tracing HTTP requests made by thepython instrumentation
This library allows tracing HTTP requests made by the urllib3 library.python instrumentation
This library provides a WSGI middleware that can be used on any WSGI framework (such as Django / Flask) to track requests timing through OpenTelemetry.python instrumentation
Active Model Serializers instrumentation for Ruby.ruby instrumentation
The opentelemetry-instrumentation-base gem contains the instrumentation base class, and the instrumentation registry.ruby instrumentation
The Grape instrumentation is a community-maintained instrumentation for Grape, a REST-like API framework for Ruby.ruby instrumentation
Instrumentation for gruf (gRPC Ruby Framework).ruby instrumentation
The Racecar instrumentation is a community-maintained instrumentation for Racecar, a client library for Apache Kafka.ruby instrumentation
The Rake instrumentation is a community-maintained instrumentation for the Rake task invocation.ruby instrumentation
The rdkafka instrumentation is a community-maintained instrumentation for rdkafka, a client library for Apache Kafka.ruby instrumentation
Utilities for adding OpenTelemetry interoperability to tracing.rust instrumentation
This library provides a URLSession instrumentation to track requests through OpenTelemetry.swift instrumentation
An idiomatic Clojure API for adding telemetry to your libraries and applications using OpenTelemetry.java extension
An unofficial implementation of OpenTelemetry in Crystal.crystal instrumentation
OpenTelemetry automatic instrumentation for Go applications.go instrumentation
An unofficial implementation of OpenTelemetry in Haskell.haskell instrumentation
Both auto-instrumentation and (manual) instrumentation libraries for Java.java instrumentation
OCaml instrumentation primitives (scopes, metrics, logs, etc.), along with several exporters to talk to signal collectorsocaml instrumentation
Extension for OpenTelemetry, to enable auto-instrumentation. It is based on zend_observer and requires PHP8+php instrumentation
Resource detector for Alibaba Cloudjs resource-detector
Resource detector for Amazon Web Services.js resource-detector
Resource detector for container ID. Compatible with OpenTelemetry JS API and SDK 1.0+.js resource-detector
Resource detector for Google Cloud Platform.js resource-detector
Detects GITHUB_* environment variables specified and adds as attributes on a resource.js resource-detector
This resource detector will detect the Instana agent to register the OpenTelemetry as a Node.js processjs resource-detector
Resource detector for container ID.php resource-detector
This library provides components to configure OpenTelemetry Python to generate traces which are compatible with AWS X-Ray.python utilities
NautilusTelemetry is an iOS-oriented Swift package to collect OpenTelemetry data and submit it in OTLP-JSON format to an OpenTelemetry Collector instance. gRPC is not currently supported in order to keep the package size as small as possible. Not all features of OpenTelemetry are supported, and this package should be considered experimental.swift instrumentation
An OpenTelemetry-Go SpanProcessor reporting tracing flow as Prometheus metrics.go processor
This browser extension allows you to inject OpenTelemetry instrumentation in any web page. It uses the Web SDK and can export data to Zipkin or an OpenTelemetry Collector.js utilities
Alpine Linux packages in support of opentelemetry-cpp.cpp core exporter
Collection of utilities to redact sensitive information from OpenTelemetry tracing data.go utilities
This library provides support for propagating trace context in the Datadog X-Datadog-* format.go utilities
The Sentry OpenTelemetry Java integration provides a processor and propagator to send data to Sentry and to associate traces/spans to Sentry errors. For configuration details, see OpenTelemetry Support.java utilities
The Sentry OpenTelemetry Node integration provides a processor and propagator to send data to Sentry and to associate traces/spans to Sentry errors. For configuration details, see OpenTelemetry Support.js utilities
This library provides support for propagating trace context in the B3 format.php extension
This library provides support for propagating trace context in the Google Cloud X-Cloud-Trace-Context format.python utilities
This library provides support for detecting GCP resources like GCE, GKE, etc.python utilities
The Sentry OpenTelemetry Python integration provides a processor and propagator to send data to Sentry and to associate traces/spans to Sentry errors. For configuration details, see OpenTelemetry Support.python utilities
The Sentry OpenTelemetry Ruby integration provides a processor and propagator to send data to Sentry and to associate traces/spans to Sentry errors. For configuration details, see OpenTelemetry Support.ruby utilities